Health & Wellbeing

Relax and rejuvenate your body & mind

Our Specialities

“Dare to love yourself as if you were a rainbow with gold at both ends.”

Addiction & Recovery

With experience in addiction, substance dependency, and recovery, we can help you face the pain and/or problems you’ve been avoiding and break free from addiction.


Feelings of anxiety and panic can interfere with daily life, are difficult to control, and can last an excessive amount of time if not treated.  Let us help you recover a sense of peace and competence.


Sadness is a natural part of being human, but experiencing it for a long period of time can lead to feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. Depression is real, and seeking help early on can help one get back to being themselves sooner.

House-sitting for Relapse Prevention

One-on-one assistance for newly recovering individuals that previously suffered from addiction or self-harm tendencies and are at risk of relapse. Let us help you in your journey towards total abstinence.

Spirituality & Religious Counselling

Many people turn to spirituality in difficult times, leaning on faith and community to help support them through. Spirituality is often linked to resilience and deeper inner exploration for many people.

Sober Companion

Ease withdrawal, cravings or other side effects of long-term narcotic and alcohol use.  Let us help you stay sober by accompanying you through those rough times.  24 hour on-call service.

House-Sitting for Mental Health

Want to take time away from home or take a vacation? We can monitor your loved ones while you are away, providing medication monitoring. 24 hour home support is offered.